Steering Committee Meeting Synopsis

The Steering Committee (SC) held a virtual meeting on January 25, 2021.

  • No new communications from LEGO were conveyed by ambassador Jeff Johnson.
  • LUG bulk coordinator Chad Roscoe informed the steering committee that due to updates from LEGO, the bulk process would be extended by two weeks. This would be communicated to bulk participants as soon as possible.
  • SC President Glenn Rapp reaffirmed his commitment to begin publishing a summary of SC meetings on Glenn Rapp also proposed a calendar of all SC and regular club meetings which was adopted by unanimous voice vote of present members.
  • An initial discussion was held by the SC in regards to the club directly taking over web hosting fees and distribution of club branded T-shirts from Leif. At this time, no decision was made.
  • Finally, LUG Ambassador Jeff Johnson reminded the SC that AFOL discount day was scheduled for the 6th of February.


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