November Club Meeting

Join us on Monday, November 7th for our monthly meeting!

  • Doors open at 6:00 PM for members who would like to arrive early to begin sorting for our Parts Draft!
  • Business starts at 7:00 PM.

Historic German House
315 Gregory Street
Rochester, New York 14620

Parts Draft

The November meeting will feature a parts draft with one of 3 sets:

LEGO BrickHeadz Shorthair Cats 40441
Only available from and the Lego Store

LEGO Technic Jeep Wrangler 42122
$49.99 $40.00

Available at, Target, Walmart, Amazon

LEGO Creator Animals Bundle Walmart Exclusive 66706
Available only at Walmart

If you are interested in drafting the Technic Jeep, please let the group know ahead of time by posting in our Discord.

Monthly Build Challenge(s)

Thanksgiving Collaborative Build

This month will feature a Thanksgiving collaborative build – bring anything related to a Thanksgiving dinner built out of LEGO!

Maker Faire Robot

We will also have the Maker Faire logo of their robot creation:

We also have our logo and 2×4 ROCLUG logo contest. We can always use more submissions.

Any questions, please use our Discord channel or send us an email in the About Us section.
